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Misc Publications


Contract reports and other 'gray literature' on marine mammals

Smultea Environmental Sciences, LLC (Smultea Sciences). 2021. Review of night vision technologies for detecting cetaceans from a vessel at sea. Prepared by M.A. Smultea, G. Silber, P. Donlan, D. Fertl, and D. Steckler. Prepared for Ørsted North America, Boston, Massachusetts. 


Latusek-Nabholz, J.N., A.D. Whitt, D. Fertl, D.R. Gallien, K. Ampela, A.A. Kahn, and N. Sidorovskaia. 2020. Literature synthesis on passive acoustic monitoring projects and sound sources in the Gulf of Mexico. OCS Study BOEM 2020-009. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Smultea, M., D. Fertl, D.J. Rugh, and C.E. Bacon. 2012. Summary of systematic bowhead surveys conducted in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi Seas, 1975-2009. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC-237. National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, Washington.

Smultea, M. A., D. Fertl, D. J. Rugh, and C. Bacon. 2011. Summary of systematic bowhead surveys conducted in the U.S. Beaufort and Chukchi seas 1975-2008. Pp. 62-95. Bowhead Whale Feeding Ecology Study (BOWFEST) in the western Beaufort Sea: 2010 annual report. A project provided to: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement, Anchorage, Alaska. Submitted through: National Marine Mammal Laboratory, Seattle, Washington.

Fulling, G.L., J. Foster, D.C. Fertl, and T. Fagin. 2008. Pilot survey of coastal cetaceans in the waters of Guinea-Bissau. Prepared for Truk Bissau.​

Bolaños-Jiménez, J., D. Fertl, and M. Iñíguez. 2008. Killer whale (Orcinus orca) occurrence in Venezuelan waters, 2001-2008. Working Document IWC 60/SC/SM8 presented to the IWC Scientific Committee, Santiago, Chile. 

Fertl, D., and S. Pomes. 2005. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Topical Time (Journal of Thematic Philately, American Topical Association) 56(1):23-26. 

Fertl, D. 2005. Geographic distribution and species diversity of cetaceans on postage stamps. Spyhopper (Newsletter of the American Cetacean Society) Spring:9-10.

Fulling, G.L., and D. Fertl. 2003. Kogia distribution in the northern Gulf of Mexico. In: D.K. Odell and N.B. Barros, eds. Abstracts, Workshop on the Biology of Kogia. A workshop held in conjunction with the Fifteenth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. 13 December 2003. Greensboro, North Carolina. 

Lang, W., and D. Fertl. 2001. Introduction. Pages 1-7 in McKay, M., J. Nides, W. Lang, and D. Vigil. Gulf of Mexico Marine Protected Species Workshop, June 1999. U.S. Dept of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, La. OCS Study MMS 2001-039.

Fertl, D., B. Würsig, and K.D. Mullin. 1998. Exploring new frontiers: The Gulf of Mexico's cetaceans. Whalewatcher (Journal of the American Cetacean Society) 31(1):8-11.

Fertl, D. 1998. Whales and Dolphins of the Gulf of Mexico - Teacher's Companion. Minerals Management Service, New Orleans. (41 page teacher's guide as companion to MMS poster).

Le Boeuf, N., and D. Fertl. 1995. Sharing the sea. Tide - Magazine of Gulf Coast Conservation Association. March/April:6-8, 50-51.

Schiro, A., and D. Fertl. 1995. Mermaids sighted in Galveston Bay. Galveston Bay Foundation Soundings 7(3):4-5.

Fertl, D., M. Jackson, and S. Yin. 1994. Otters in Galveston Bay waters? Galveston Bay Foundation Soundings 6(3):1-3. 

Fertl, D., and B. Würsig. 1993. Shrimp boats: A Galveston dolphin's smorgasbord. Galveston Bay Foundation Soundings 5(2):10-12. 

Dudzinski, K.M., D. Fertl, M. Megill, R.W. Baird, and S.J. Stern. 1993. Workshop report: Defining group size. Workshop held at the Tenth Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Galveston, Texas, 14 November 1993.

Dog Articles

Fertl, D. 2022. The Puli ear. AKC Gazette, December 2022.

Fertl, D. 2022. Puli and baby living togetherAKC Gazette, September 2022.

Fertl, D. , and P. Anspach. 2022. In appreciation of Don GoldAKC Gazette, June 2022.

Fertl, D. 2021. 2020 and 2021 Puli National Specialties WeekAKC Gazette, December 2021.

Fertl, D. 2021. Mental health and the show ringAKC Gazette, September 2021.

Fertl, D. 2021. Your Puli and massageAKC Gazette, June 2021.

Fertl, D. 2021. Puli philately: Pulik on postage stampsAKC Gazette, March 2021.

Fertl, D. 2020. Time to rally yourself and your Puli for Rally Virtual! AKC Gazette, December 2020.

Fertl, D. 2020. Make a splash with dock divingAKC Gazette, September 2020.

Fertl, D. 2020. Turning your trickster into a trick starAKC Gazette, June 2020.

Fertl, D. 2020. Coursing with a Puli? Of course! AKC Gazette, March 2020.

Fertl, D. 2019. 2019 Puli National Specialty WeekAKC Gazette, December 2019.

Fertl, D., and L. Cleveland. 2019. Dog dancingAKC Gazette, September 2019.

Fertl, D. 2019. Keeping your dog cool in summertimeAKC Gazette, June 2019.

Fertl, D. 2019. Puppy of Achievement PulikAKC Gazette, March 2019.

Fertl, D. 2018. Cords: The Puli's crownAKC Gazette, December 2018.

Fertl, D. 2018. Pulik as achiever dogsAKC Gazette, September 2018.

Latusek-Nabholz, J., and D. Fertl. 2018. Essential oils and your dog's wellnessAKC Gazette, June 2018.

Fertl, D. 2018. 2017 Puli National SpecialtyAKC Gazette, March 2018.

Fertl, D. 2017. Hotel etiquette when traveling with your Puli. AKC Gazette, December 2017.

Beymer, R., and D. Fertl. 2017. Puli as therapy dogs. AKC Gazette, June 2017.

Fertl, D. 2017. Best in Show Pulik. AKC Gazette, March 2017.

Fertl, D. 2016. The Hungarian second man: The herding Puli. AKC Gazette, Dec 2016.

Fertl, D. 2016. Estate planning that includes your Puli. AKC Gazette, Sept 2016.

​Schuh, J., and D. Fertl. 2016. Pulik in barn huntAKC Gazette, June 2016.

McDaniel Martinez, G., and D. Fertl. 2016. How to find a groomer who knows cords. AKC Gazette, Mar 2016.

Fertl, D. 2015. Puli smarts. AKC Gazette, Dec 2015.

Fertl, D., and N. Kelly. 2015. Puli participation in obedience. AKC Gazette, Sept 2015.

Fertl, D. 2015. What does "medium size" mean? AKC Gazette, June 2015

Fertl, D. 2015. What to wear when showing your Puli. AKC Gazette, Mar 2015.

Fertl, D., and C. Pronzini. 2014. Puli: The flying mop. AKC Gazette, Dec 2014.

Fertl, D. 2014. Book of Titleholders. AKC Gazette, Sept 2014.

Fertl, D. 2014. Code of Ethics for the Puli breeder. AKC Gazette, June 2014.

Fertl, D. 2014. The versatile Puli. AKC Gazette, Mar 2014

Fertl, D. 2012. Living with the Puli. Showsight, Oct 2012.

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